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Booking Cancelation

Cancelling a booking  is ONLY possible by mail to: [email protected].

For privates and familys of max.12 people.

All bookings must be paid in full and patment recieved by Danhostel Elsinore no later than 8 days from the time booking is made.

if you do not, the booking can be deleted without warning.


if you cancel your booking more than 14 days from arrivaldate – we will charge dkr.200 and return the rest of the amount.

If you cancel within 14 days of arrival – you will NOT get a refund.


Please contact us for further information.

The hostel charge up to DKr. 200.- for transfering money back in case of lawfull cancelation.


When booking a room via mail, phone or on our website, you can cancel the booking within 24 hours for free…


Cancelation rules for groups:

The total amount must be payed before 4 months of arrival of we can delete the booking without warning.

Please contact us for further information.